May 3: New Acquisitions–Tree Peony and Mock Orange

'Yachiyotsubaki' tree peony
‘Yachiyotsubaki’ tree peony

A ‘Yachiyotsubaki’ tree peony (from Walker Farm, Dummerston). In my experience, tree peonies require almost no care, are shockingly beautiful in bloom and handsomely sculptural when not flowering, and get better and better with age.

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Mock orange (Philadelphus ‘Minnesota Snowflake’)

Philadelphus ‘Minnesota Snowflake,’ aka mock orange (from Allen Brothers Nursery in Westminster). I thought I was buying a dwarf plant to go right under the kitchen window where the fragrance would fill the house at night. When I got it home, though, I realized I had a baby that was going to grow to be about ten feet tall, so I found the perfect spot at the top of the brook bank. We’ll be able to smell it from the hammock, and we can always cut branches and bring them inside.


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