April 11: Garden Photo Inventory

Frost this morning. High 63 degrees F, sunny.

Here’s all that’s left of the giant block of ice that fell on one of the baby Endless Summer hydrangeas:

2015-04-11 ice

But the hydrangea looks surprisingly unscathed:

2015-04-11 Endless Summer

Still, I might want to move it about two feet further out from the house before next winter.

The snowdrops are up, and the ajuga’s beginning to look a little bit perky.

2015-04-05 snowdrops

Found some garlic mustard coming up by the compost heap. Will eat it and all its friends immediately. The good thing about my peskiest invasives (garlic mustard, goutweed, nettles)  is that they’re very nutritious.

2015-04-11 garlic mustard

One of my favorites, Lady’s mantle, just leafing out:

2015-04-11 Alchemilla

And another favorite, sweet woodruff:

2015-04-11 sweet woodruff


2015-04-11 sorrel

And the tiniest pop of color: a lone squill blooming.

2015-04-11 muscari 2

Also, although I didn’t catch it on camera, I saw a honeybee while I was eating my lunch in the backyard. It seemed like a good garden omen.